3 Tips for Reinvigorating Your Stalled Growth

Stalled growth

As an entrepreneur, you know that in order to survive, your business must grow. Keep in mind that growth does not need to be about more revenue or more employees but instead, growth can be about increasing profit, improving processes and or improving how you provide services or products to your customers. This is easier said than done. Entrepreneurs frequently find themselves in a position of stalled growth which can resonate as failure to reach their goals, causing them to give up too soon.

If your business venture is failing to scale, you don’t have to throw in the towel. Here are a few actions that you can take to ensure your business survives and thrives.

Shift Your Focus From Sales to Relationships

Today’s audiences turn their noses up at a sales pitch. Rather than traditional high-pressure sales settings, customers are seeking authenticity. As a result, customers turn to businesses that have that relatable vibe.

Focus on what your current customers love about your company, then generate content that captures them, informs them, and deepens their relationship with your brand. Customers are way more likely to share your content with their friends and family if it resonates with them. When a consumer becomes emotionally connected to a brand, it becomes part of their identity.

Screen for Empathy During Your Hiring Process

A key part of a successful business is hiring the right people. Of course, they need to have the right education and experience to get the job done, but it is important to make sure your team is made up of people who have relevant personality traits. You want them to be driven, work as team players, and also have empathy.

Research conducted by the 2016 Empathy Index indicates that the 10 companies with the most empathetic quality were considered to have more than twice as much value as those lacking empathy. Productivity improves when employees can understand and relate to their peers. Employees can see different perspectives and motives, then find appropriate solutions. As a result, increased growth rates follow. To screen for empathy in the hiring process, you have to ask the right questions and find employees who are eager to serve the company and operate by its values.

Fine Tune Your Approach to Data

We all know the importance of data, but understanding that data and using it to your business’ advantage is what will spur growth. The best way to do that is to make sure you have a qualified data science team that can interpret data and make informed recommendations on how to use it.

Again, it starts with the hiring process. In this case, you need to develop a team of data scientists who can pair data with your business goals in order to give your company a competitive edge.

I’d love to hear from you about different ways that you reinvigorate your stalled growth!

I reside in Scottsdale, Arizona with my wife Rachel and our two daughters. As the Founder and CEO of StringCan Interactive, my eighth venture, I lead a strategic digital marketing agency also based in Scottsdale. At StringCan, we are dedicated to helping businesses that aim to improve people's lives expand their digital influence and reach.

Over the years, through successes and setbacks, I've discovered that our professional achievements are deeply intertwined with our personal happiness. True success emerges when our home life flourishes, creating a foundation that allows our business endeavors to thrive. It's a powerful insight that every entrepreneur should embrace.

Inspired by my own journey and the challenges faced by many business leaders, I designed a 4-day family retreat in 2015 to address these pivotal balance issues. The profound impact of this retreat on my life and the lives of others led me to author "FAMILY 2.0: Harness Business Principles to Reboot Your Family in 4 Days." This book offers practical steps for entrepreneurs looking to enhance their family dynamics, thereby reinforcing the strength and stability of their businesses.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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