9 Tips for Being a Strong Leader

Leadership traits development

Just because someone has the title of Manager, CEO, or Director of (Department), it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a strong leader. Strong leaders are developed over time and demonstrate qualities that undeniably set them apart from the rest. The notion that you’re either born a leader, or you aren’t, is flawed. The traits that define a strong leader can be adopted by anyone that has the passion, commitment, and drive to take the initiative to make the changes needed to be a kick a– leader. The coolest part about this list is that I polled my StringCan Interactive team, and these were the most important traits they identified, both as leaders, and those being led.

Traits of a Strong Leader

  1. Trust. It may sound like a cliche, but this is the first thing that you need to be able to establish as a leader. When it comes to leadership, trust isn’t the traditional “I trust you will pay me back for that baseball ticket I bought you.” You have to be able to show your people that you have their backs no matter what and that you will put the objectives of the company and your employees in front of your own interests. Developing trust also allows your team to feel comfortable in sharing their mistakes, learning opportunities, and to experiment.
  2. Patience. Leaders need to learn how to have patience with themselves, their employees, and the operations of their business. In order to grow a strong team, you will have to be patient in the teaching process and be accepting to mistakes being made.  
  3. Compassion. People will make errors, and they should, but a leader who is strong needs to have compassion, understanding, and the ability to tell if someone is off their game and needs extra support or if the person is no longer right for the role.
  4. Honesty. As a leader, you need to be able to be honest with not only yourself but your staff, business, etc. Leaders need to have core values and beliefs and then stick with them. When you’re honest, people will trust in you and follow your lead.
  5. Inspiration. To be a strong leader, you need to be able to inspire those around you to follow in your vision/dream. This also means setting a good example for those around you. For example, always try to be positive and motivating, even when a negative situation may happen.
  6. Confidence. In life, there are times when you have to make big decisions. As a leader in these situations, you are going to have to be decisive and confident that your decision will bring about the best results. Analyze all of the facts of the issue, understand the problem, and make a decision that you can stand by.
  7. Respect. I believe that this is one of the most crucial aspects of being a strong leader, and here’s why. Could you ever work hard for somebody that you don’t respect? Could you ever have somebody that you don’t respect work for you? You have to constantly be making decisions and taking actions that build your employees respect for you, as well as develop your respect for your employees.
  8. Listen, Really Listen. It’s important for leaders to listen to their team – by listening to feedback, new ideas, solutions to problems, etc. they can understand how to best offer support and guidance to elevate everyone.  
  9. Passion and Enthusiasm. As a leader, how can you expect others to care deeply about you or your company if you don’t?! It is contagious and motivating when a leader is passionate about the company, the employees, the mission, and the reason for coming to work every day.

These leadership traits can’t be developed overnight, and sometimes can take years of practice to master. Start today by practicing them with your friends and family. You will recognize yourself becoming a better leader in your personal life, and naturally those traits will transfer over into your role as a professional. 

I’d love to hear from you and your thoughts on what traits make up a strong leader!

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