Setting Goals For Success In Three Steps

setting goals

We all have dreams, goals, and aspirations. Maybe yours is to run a marathon, retire early, start a business, publish a book, or find true love. But it’s commonly known that without goals, dreams are like clouds; they stay up in the air, pretty, filmy and unreachable. So what is the secret to setting goals, […]

My Top 10 Best Books on Work Life Balance for Entrepreneurs

work life balance

One of the perks of owning your business, is controlling your work life balance. The downside? That you’re controlling your work life balance. A conundrum indeed! As an entrepreneur and business owner, the responsibility for the business side of things ultimately comes down to you. Without good time management skills, the business can end up controlling […]

5 Things Every Entrepreneur Parent Needs to Hear

entrepreneur parent

“There’s so much to do!” This may be the thought that circles in your head when you start thinking about parenting and being an entrepreneur simultaneously. It may feel like your brain is short circuiting and you’re paralyzed with everything on your plate. And it’s a fair enough thought; there is so much to do. […]

Take a Family Day Trip in Arizona This Summer

family day trip arizona

Wherever you are in Arizona, you’ll find yourself surrounded by a wealth of fun opportunities to strengthen family relationships by taking a family day trip. I love this state and it’s so fun to explore Arizona’s unique geologic history and, as a family, experience a new adventure, all within a few hours of home. Cool […]