Don’t Sell Yourself Short: Do You Need to Raise Prices or Reset Your Strategy?

how to set pricing

Throughout my own entrepreneurial journey, I’ve watched other entrepreneurs approach product/service pricing in one of two ways: 1) They charge top dollar for their offerings from the get-go, or 2) They struggle, feeling uncomfortable and unsure about how to set their prices, so they low-ball themselves. But in order to get maximum revenue, you need […]

Try To Be OK – But It’s OK If You’re Not

advice for business owners

I’ve been an entrepreneur for decades, and there’s one truth I can confidently declare: managing a business and life is hard. And frankly, entrepreneurs are sometimes the worst at recognizing their emotional issues and asking for help.  We tend to overwork and overthink, chalking all of it up to our relentless work ethic and failing to […]