Your Business Isn’t Your Baby: The Dangerous Trap Entrepreneurs Fall Into

Entrepreneurs and work-life balance

For years, I treated my business like my baby. I poured everything into it—time, energy, even emotions. Sound familiar? The problem is, businesses aren’t babies. They don’t love you back. And if you don’t set boundaries, they will consume your entire life. The difference between a healthy business owner and a burned-out entrepreneur is simple: […]

The Silent Killer of Entrepreneurial Parents: Decision Fatigue & How to Beat It

Decision Fatigue for Entrepreneurs

When my daughters were younger, I remember how exhausting it was to juggle business growth and family life. By 7 AM, I had already made 20 micro-decisions—what to wear, what to eat, whether to check my emails first or get a workout in. And that was before even touching the demands of running a business. […]

Embracing Evolving Marketing Strategies: The Future of Marketing

Discover how evolving marketing strategies are reshaping the industry and what you need to know to stay ahead. Explore the latest trends and future predictions to ensure your business thrives in this dynamic landscape.

evolving marketing strategies

Change is inevitable in every industry, but it’s a force of nature within the marketing industry. The field has gone through a metamorphosis over the last decade alone, emerging on the other side almost unrecognizable from how it started. I don’t know about you, but this is part of what I love about it. New […]

The New Rules of Communication Every Business Leader Should Know

Communication is critical in business, but are the latest communication trends worth your time? Here are my thoughts and insights on communication that works.


Business trends are always coming and going, but there’s one constant that leaders can rely on: communication is key to success. How this communication looks, however, is just as sure to change shape over time. Through building multiple businesses and leading teams throughout my career, I have many thoughts and insights on communication that works. […]