6 Habits Entrepreneurs Should Adopt to Eliminate Bad Days at Work

There are good days, and then there are bad days and those difficult days always seem to have the most lasting effect. Entrepreneurs especially must juggle multiple plans and projects while maintaining a positive attitude with clients, coworkers, family, and friends. Struggles and hardship can damage these relationships regardless of how professional a person might […]
Driving vs. Flying for Better Family Time

Road triiiip! Family vacations aren’t only about the destination but also the journey. Flying gets the family to where they’re going quicker, assuming no lovely airport or flight delays, but it’s not the only way to travel. My family and I love driving to Northern Arizona for trips. It gives us a great chance to […]
5 Healthy Ways to Take Off-Screen Breaks and Help You Focus

Today so many jobs, including most ‘white-collar’ jobs, require a great deal of screen time. Professionally, and personally, people spend so many hours of their day looking at the desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone screens that it’s necessary to step back and take a break. It’s actually physically bad for us! Our eyes take the […]
11 Easy Ways to Educate Yourself Without College (or Reading a Book)

I’ve had this debate with so many parents about their kids going to college. To be clear, I do believe that everyone should attend some type of school after high school to continue with their education, as well as, learn valuable life lessons. For me, one of the biggest benefit of attending college was preparing […]