4 Fun Ways to Have Family Time & Exercise Together

Family Entrepreneur

It’s not always easy to find time to exercise together as a family, but with a little thought, you can make it happen. Each year during our family annual retreat our individual health is always one of the main topics. We talk about food and exercise and each year we set realistic goals on how we can individually and as a family get our exercise time in. For example, we will plan a hiking trip or schedule a time to go together to the gym and work out or swim together.

Family exercise serves as a great way to bond with your kids while also helping them stay active and fit. Adults, let alone busy parents and entrepreneurs, find it a daily struggle to stay active and healthy. This isn’t just about getting the steps in, but also some smiles.

Nerf Fight

Nerf fights are a great way to disguise exercise as a game. All you need is a Nerf gun for each member of the family and plenty of Nerf darts. Once you have your Nerf guns, work together to develop the game’s rules, boundaries, and build a home fort. One fun Nerf game idea is dodgeball, where getting hit by a dart sends you back to your base until your three lives are up. Another fun game is capture the flag, in which each team defends a base with a paper cup in the middle while the other team tries to capture it or shoot it off before their own is shot. A fun fitness “penalty” to add in – when a person is shot they have to run in place, or do push-ups, sit-ups, or jumping jacks until the next round.

Family Walks

After dinner is a great opportunity for the entire family to head out for a stroll around the neighborhood. You all can work off that post-meal lethargy, keep your bodies active, and heart rates healthy. In addition to the health benefits of family walks, it gives you plenty of time to spend quality family time together. Where we live in Scottsdale about 1 mile away a neighbor owns horses and when the kids were younger it was a great evening experience for our family. You might not have a horse near you but there is likely some type of cool experience that is within a few miles from your home. Try at least one time per week take your family out for a walk and enjoy that time together, away from the digital screens, and while having fun get your exercise in.

Go on a Family Swimming Outing

Swimming is a great way to encourage family fitness. It cools you off while getting your blood flowing and exercising your muscles. I live in Phoenix so we get to swim practically year-round; however, in the middle of the summer, the pool water is very warm but still fun. Swimming with the family opens up opportunities to play fun games like categories and chicken fights. If you have a pool at home, set aside some time for a family swim. If you don’t have a pool at home, plan a day and time for you all to pack up and head to the community pool or a nearby lake.

I’d love to hear from you about fun ways that you exercise with your family!

Jay is an entrepreneur with multiple businesses over the last 20+ years. He is passionate about working with entrepreneurs and marketing executives, as well as, connecting people and building community. He's known for spending an inordinate (some would say insane) amount of time talking, listening and learning about opportunities in business, marketing, and technology.

Since 2010, Jay has been growing StringCan Interactive, a digital marketing agency based in Scottsdale, Arizona, that helps businesses dedicated to improving people’s lives expand their digital reach. He oversees strategy and vision, building a strong culture, recruiting additional awesome marketers, leading the team and allocating where we invest time and money. As a business owner, husband, and father of two teenage girls, he intimately understands how entrepreneurial pursuits can take a toll on the most intimate relationships in your life.

He is the author of Family 2.0 which draws on Jay’s personal experience from 18 years of marriage and executive leadership and offers a roadmap to help entrepreneurs get aligned with their families again. Based on proven business best practices, the book outlines a four-day, family-friendly retreat that can be customized to work for any family. After following the process, transformation is all but inevitable.

In addition to running StringCan Interactive and helping entrepreneurs strengthen their families through Family 2.0, Jay is a highly respected speaker, mentor, and advisor.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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