4 Ways Sports and Activities Teach Life Skills to Kids

Life skills for kids

Competition among kids (and adults) happens naturally, whether it’s in the classroom, at home, or on the field. Encouraging kids to compete in sports or other organized activities can foster within them a host of healthy traits and teaches them key behaviors that will contribute to their success as adults. Child development experts suggest that letting kids engage in healthy competition teaches life skills to kids such as:

  1. How to set and achieve goals.

Competitive sports, in particular, are the perfect catalyst for teaching kids the importance of setting and striving towards goals. In order for the team as a whole to do better, each athlete is required to practice and hone their skills on their own. Sports and academic competitions, like debate team, allow kids to learn how to motivate themselves and their teammates in order to succeed.

  1. How to manage time effectively.

Kids are not going to tell you they have 10 minutes left on their tablet. They will almost always do what they want over what they know needs to be done (like chores!). Don’t be discouraged by this natural behavior, as time management and prioritizing tasks takes practice. Kids can learn how to manage their time by creating and maintaining a schedule which leads to more checkmarks and less anxiety. Competing regularly means they have to stay on top of homework, practice, chores, and other responsibilities, without sacrificing sleep and other healthy practices.

  1. How to be a good teammate.

Being a teammate teaches kids to work together to achieve a common goal and to really hone their communication skills. Committing to the success or failure of the team means putting forth a consistent effort and taking personal responsibility for their part. Being team-oriented also contributes to a sense of community (and teaches social skills), where the success of a teammate is as rewarding as the success of the individual. Competition allows kids to experience the advantages (and disadvantages) of being part of a team and to start learning leadership skills.

  1. How to deal with losing.

Losing feels terrible, no matter what, and dealing with the emotions associated with losing can be complicated. Kids can learn from teammates, coaches, and even adversaries, that failure doesn’t define you. Healthy kids are able to grow and learn from their mistakes and can carry these important coping skills into their adult life. Learning to adapt and persevere despite setbacks can drastically improve the way kids view challenges in both their academic and extracurricular lives.

I’d love to hear from you and what you do to help your kids learn valuable life skills or comment below.

I reside in Scottsdale, Arizona with my wife Rachel and our two daughters. As the Founder and CEO of StringCan Interactive, my eighth venture, I lead a strategic digital marketing agency also based in Scottsdale. At StringCan, we are dedicated to helping businesses that aim to improve people's lives expand their digital influence and reach.

Over the years, through successes and setbacks, I've discovered that our professional achievements are deeply intertwined with our personal happiness. True success emerges when our home life flourishes, creating a foundation that allows our business endeavors to thrive. It's a powerful insight that every entrepreneur should embrace.

Inspired by my own journey and the challenges faced by many business leaders, I designed a 4-day family retreat in 2015 to address these pivotal balance issues. The profound impact of this retreat on my life and the lives of others led me to author "FAMILY 2.0: Harness Business Principles to Reboot Your Family in 4 Days." This book offers practical steps for entrepreneurs looking to enhance their family dynamics, thereby reinforcing the strength and stability of their businesses.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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