Amp Up The Quality Time With Family This Summer

quality time with family

If you’re like most people, it’s hard to feel good about the time you’re spending with your kids and your spouse when tensions are high and space is limited right now. You try to work from home, but your kids are fighting and the dog is barking in the background. You had to cancel your long-awaited family trip to Europe, pools are closed, and your kids’ camp was also canned. Everyone is disappointed and stressed. But, is there still a way to improve family relationships during such a time? I say yes. Here are some parent-child bonding activities and family ideas with an emphasis on quality time with family. 


Plan for Quality, Not Just Quantity 

Just because you’re around your kids all the time doesn’t mean it’s quality. Instead of forcing yourself to engage in family activities every spare moment you have, let yourself be ok with time apart. Granted, that might mean you’re listening to an audiobook while you do laundry in your room while your child colors in her room and your spouse takes the dog for a walk. 

But time apart, even just in separate rooms, is key to making the time you are together more meaningful. A little space can also help soothe tensions and prevent arguments from becoming the status quo. So the first step to quality time, counterintuitively, is to prioritize a little time apart. Then when you play family games or have movie nights, you can focus your attention on your loved ones 100%.


Try Something New

I’m fortunate to be able to work remotely. If you’re able to enjoy the same, try changing up your scenery. You might not be able to do the original trips you were envisioning for the summer, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get away. Take your family on a road trip somewhere secluded, and work from there. Find a place your kids can enjoy and explore, where you can order takeout or have a small kitchen in which to cook. Airbnbs are always good options, especially when you’re trying to avoid crowds, or you might be able to find certain resorts that are making socially distant stays possible. Stick with what makes you and your family feel comfortable, but give yourself permission to plan a getaway. 

I’ve been taking my family to sleepy towns, and making a grand west coast road trip adventure out of it. Even though driving is usually not anyone’s favorite thing, my daughters and wife and I are having the best time. Most importantly of all, we’re bonding like never before. It doesn’t have to be exotic or what you’d usually gravitate toward, but that’s kind of the point. Consider something new and make some memories. 


Appeal to Everyone’s Interests

Just because you love the idea of hanging out at a lake house with your family doesn’t mean your spouse will be as enthused. Or maybe your kids would be fine spending every day of the summer at the pool, but you and your spouse are over it. This is normal – and why it’s important for every single person in the family to have a say in your plans. Make sure you choose activities and getaways that have something for everyone, or at least trade off so everyone gets a turn enjoying the time all together. 

Also, make space for spontaneity. I’ve found that some of the best parent-child bonding activities happen unexpectedly. Even if you don’t head out of town, carve some time out to just see what happens. You may end up tackling that sink full of dishes because everyone in your house is occupied elsewhere, but you may be invited by your son to walk around the neighborhood and collect rocks. Or asked by your daughter to have a hula hoop competition. Or asked by your spouse to cook together. The smallest things can turn out to be the most fun, so be open to them. 


This is a tough time for everyone, but you can also find a silver lining in the extra time you’re able to spend with your loved ones. Look for true quality time with family and you’ll start to see positive changes in everyone’s spirits. Let me know the creative ways you’re strengthening your most important relationships right now. 

Jay is an entrepreneur with multiple businesses over the last 20+ years. He is passionate about working with entrepreneurs and marketing executives, as well as, connecting people and building community. He's known for spending an inordinate (some would say insane) amount of time talking, listening and learning about opportunities in business, marketing, and technology.

Since 2010, Jay has been growing StringCan Interactive, a digital marketing agency based in Scottsdale, Arizona, that helps businesses dedicated to improving people’s lives expand their digital reach. He oversees strategy and vision, building a strong culture, recruiting additional awesome marketers, leading the team and allocating where we invest time and money. As a business owner, husband, and father of two teenage girls, he intimately understands how entrepreneurial pursuits can take a toll on the most intimate relationships in your life.

He is the author of Family 2.0 which draws on Jay’s personal experience from 18 years of marriage and executive leadership and offers a roadmap to help entrepreneurs get aligned with their families again. Based on proven business best practices, the book outlines a four-day, family-friendly retreat that can be customized to work for any family. After following the process, transformation is all but inevitable.

In addition to running StringCan Interactive and helping entrepreneurs strengthen their families through Family 2.0, Jay is a highly respected speaker, mentor, and advisor.

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