4 Ways Sports and Activities Teach Life Skills to Kids

Life skills for kids

Competition among kids (and adults) happens naturally, whether it’s in the classroom, at home, or on the field. Encouraging kids to compete in sports or other organized activities can foster within them a host of healthy traits and teaches them key behaviors that will contribute to their success as adults. Child development experts suggest that […]

How to Spend Crucial 1:1 Time With Your Kids

Quality time with kids

Children draw so much of their inspiration from their parents, while at the same time seeking so much approval from them. If you have a large extended family or many children, it can be easy to spend group time with them without spending quality one-on-one time with them very often. Many involved parents are surprised […]

Teach Your Kids Great Money Skills, One Day at a Time

Money skills for kids

We all do better when someone demonstrates a new idea for us; we all learn differently, but watching someone do something while explaining it is one sure fire way to solidify whatever you’re learning. Have you ever wished someone had really shown you how money works and how to save money before you went out […]

What to do About Reluctant Goal-Setters in Your Family

Setting Family Goals

If you’ve read my book about rejuvenating family relationships through the lens of tried and true business principles, you’re familiar with my belief in the power of goal setting. I’ve seen this simple practice transform parent-child relationships, as well as spouse-to-spouse relationships, and if you can get multiple people on board – I bet you’ll […]