How a Camping Retreat Can Reset Your Body Clock and Give You Better Sleep

Reset your body clock

There are several factors at play when it comes to sleep deprivation. Whether it’s the constant upkeep of your young children, the looming piles of work that you have to take care of yesterday, a sedentary lifestyle, or not getting out and exercising enough, these factors can all throw off your circadian rhythm; which is basically a 24-hour internal clock that cycles your sleepiness and alertness at certain times of the day. For those who are struggling to get consistent good night’s sleep, camping is an incredibly beneficial way for resetting your body clock, allowing you to get a better night’s sleep. Here’s how you can get your circadian rhythm back to normal and improve your business at the same time.

You’re Outside

Work demands that we remain indoors. Camping gives you the chance to stay outside for at least an entire day and night, or more. Being outdoors will get you away from that enclosed feeling that comes with being indoors too often, relax your mind, and allow your freedom of movement. In doing so, you’re breaking out of your routine, take advantage of it and refresh yourself. Best of all, you can reset your body clock in as little as two nights, or you can go for a week to get maximum results.

You Get Sun (& Vitamin D)

You’re directly exposed to the sun’s rays when you are outside and the change of light from sunrise to sunset. It’s better for you to look at the night sky and see the moon and stars before going to sleep as opposed to being in an artificially lit room. This resets your circadian rhythm, giving you a natural sleep cycle as well as letting you feel more “awake” during the day.

You Don’t Have Technology

While camping, you get to take a break from the TV, computer, and cell phone. It’s always good to get back to simple things in life without distractions or interruptions. With being accustomed to long-term exposure of technology, you’ll be forced to adapt to not having it around to rely on. This can tremendously reduce stress and help form a healthy habit of less tech interaction when you get back to work.

You’re Leaving Work at Home

As anyone who’s been stressed about work knows, it’s common to bring work home. Becoming preoccupied with work has detrimental health effects such as sleep deprivation, reduced ability to deal with stress, and interpersonal problems. Camping gets you away from work completely, and “out of sight, out of mind” still holds true.

Camping is just one of the many ways to enjoy a relaxing retreat and get away from work stress. Plan a trip for you, or your family, and enjoy some “you” time.

I’d love to hear from you on how you get away from the work grind and reset your body clock!

Jay is an entrepreneur with multiple businesses over the last 20+ years. He is passionate about working with entrepreneurs and marketing executives, as well as, connecting people and building community. He's known for spending an inordinate (some would say insane) amount of time talking, listening and learning about opportunities in business, marketing, and technology.

Since 2010, Jay has been growing StringCan Interactive, a digital marketing agency based in Scottsdale, Arizona, that helps businesses dedicated to improving people’s lives expand their digital reach. He oversees strategy and vision, building a strong culture, recruiting additional awesome marketers, leading the team and allocating where we invest time and money. As a business owner, husband, and father of two teenage girls, he intimately understands how entrepreneurial pursuits can take a toll on the most intimate relationships in your life.

He is the author of Family 2.0 which draws on Jay’s personal experience from 18 years of marriage and executive leadership and offers a roadmap to help entrepreneurs get aligned with their families again. Based on proven business best practices, the book outlines a four-day, family-friendly retreat that can be customized to work for any family. After following the process, transformation is all but inevitable.

In addition to running StringCan Interactive and helping entrepreneurs strengthen their families through Family 2.0, Jay is a highly respected speaker, mentor, and advisor.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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