5 Must-Read Blogs for Entrepreneurs

If you’re like most entrepreneurs and business owners, your time is especially precious. Chances are high there’s a stack of industry magazines sitting near your desk collecting dust or a slew of unread emails with tips, tricks, and ten zillion ways to better your business/life/hairline. So how do you stay on top of your game […]

Entrepreneurs! Why Exercise Helps Everything


When your life is (quite literally) all about your business, you know you’re a bona fide entrepreneur. You eat, sleep, and breathe your work, planning each day around creating the best product you can offer to your customers and carving out precious time for family and friends. But what about exercise? Taking time for yourself, […]

What’s Your 4-1-1? Craft the Formula to Live Your Priorities [Guest Post]

JP and Erin Dahdah Family Calendaring 2017

I arrived a few minutes late to meet my friend for a scheduled dinner to catch up. After we settled in to our booth my friend asks “how are things going?” Still feeling a bit rushed, I tried to take a breath and responded with my standard, short, auto pilot response “things are good man, […]