How Taking More Breaks Can Improve Focus and Productivity

Improve Focus

Recent studies have revealed a considerable body of evidence supporting the idea that a constant workflow detracts from productivity. As a result, taking breaks more often may actually increase a worker’s output. Basically, break up your day and get more done.   Expending and Regaining Energy Tony Schwartz is the founder of the Energy Project. […]

How a Camping Retreat Can Reset Your Body Clock and Give You Better Sleep

Reset your body clock

There are several factors at play when it comes to sleep deprivation. Whether it’s the constant upkeep of your young children, the looming piles of work that you have to take care of yesterday, a sedentary lifestyle, or not getting out and exercising enough, these factors can all throw off your circadian rhythm; which is […]

Hack Your Habits To Be A Better Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur habit

Human beings are fundamentally risk-averse to ensure the survival of the species. This is best summed up as “better be safe than sorry.” However, entrepreneurs are known as risk-takers, and millennials are the least entrepreneurial generation in recent history. How can you push yourself to risk more for the potential of a greater reward? You […]

Methods to Deal with Failure as an Entrepreneur

Deal with failure

Failure is a natural part of entrepreneurship. Every entrepreneur fails at some point or another. In fact, the majority of start-up firms eventually fail, no matter how good their foundation is. While start-up founders are often perceived as young and brash, most successful founders are in their late 30s or 40s. This is why entrepreneurs […]

Daily Motivation: Progress Through Daily Goal Setting

Set Goals

Are you a goal-oriented individual? Do you want to be? One Harvard Business Review study found that of the 3% they interviewed that had goals written down, they were earning more than the other 97% combined. Whether you are fully organized in your life through strict financial, health, and wellness goals, or if you are […]